Wednesday, May 23, 2012

You Might Be An Elementary Education Major If......

So I love my major, and not to brag but I feel like I'm pretty good at it! I love that I can do silly things and no one judges me. For instance, You may be an elementary education major if...

 You make your friends play Chinese Jump Rope with you in the park in preparation for a P.E. lesson. And just so we're clear, Katie and I are in fact playing Cats Cradle in this picture. We didn't get any of the actual Chinese Jump Rope game.
 You use your compass and protractor to draw a turtle in the middle of Literacy class and name him something like Simeon. Now Simeon Miles (thanks for the last name Wes) is a turtle from Zimbabwe. He is wearing a beanie because it's kinda cold. :)
 You actually own more than two books of construction paper, various animal stickers, letter stickers, more than two coloring books, and construction paper scraps from previous projects.
 You own an entire pencil box full of colored pencils, markers, and crayons. In addition, you own a jumbo pack of markers and any given kind of tool to teach math: geo boards, counters, various shapes, and the counting blocks with one, ten, or a hundred.
 You own and know how to use a Chinese Jump Rope and chalk. Not to mention the fact that you scoured ebay in order to find that Chinese Jump Rope and you actually also have one at home.
You find an empty box in the middle of the floor and automatically find your construction paper and glue stick in order to make a puppet show box, including two minuscule puppets out of twist ties. And you make up an entire life story for said puppets (they got a bad spray tan, don't ask). 
And finally, a person can't put a piece of paper in front of you when you are bored because you will do something like draw a dancing robot on it named Mirmin. He actually works in a grocery store and dances in his free time to "recharge his batteries".

So if you do all of these things and don't have any children that you are doing them for, then maybe just maybe you should become an Elementary Ed major!

Oh did I mention you have to have a very strange imagination to be in my major?!?