Monday, January 16, 2017

Why I changed my views on health

Ok, I want to start out by saying that I love nutrition and fitness... now... but that was not always the case!

Throw back to 8 year old Claire. My friend had just asked me to go on "the wilderness trip"! A camping trip that involved hiking down into a canyon in New Mexico to camp out for the weekend! I was stoked! I still have pictures of standing there ready to hike. Enthusiastic to spend an amazing weekend in the forest with one of my best friends! THEN WE STARTED HIKING! At 8 years old, I was having a hard time breathing, I was getting cramps in my side, I wanted to puke, my legs were giving out... I decided that day that I hated working out!

I continued in my little life... playing little league softball, and one year of basketball. They ALWAYS made me run! Which I absolutely despised! I ended up hating sports and never wanted to go back. Then in Jr. High I decided to be a cheerleader! Loads of fun right? I actually enjoyed it for the most part (I loved dancing). But once again I was required to run and exercise and stretch and do all of those horrible things that I had decided I hated when I was 8!

I never said I as a cute child! :)

On top of hating physical exercise... I also hated food! Correction, I hated certain foods! I was a picky eater who wouldn't eat it unless it had cheese or bread! I wouldn't eat fish, pasta, carrots, eggs... I honestly lived off of cheese crisps and bologna sandwiches. I loved soda and any kind of sweets! After cheer leading I gave up all kinds of fitness. I didn't workout or do much physical activity at all! On top of that I hit puberty... Enter hips, boobs and all these other things that completely changed my body!

Homecoming Senior year! 180 lbs size 12!
From that time on I started packing away the lbs. I went from one of the tiny stick figure girls to curvy and busty over night. I continued to eat like crap and treat physical exercise like it was the worst type of torture. When I got to college, I continued to load on the lbs. I had to walk up hill to all of my college classes and seriously thought I would die! I left early so that I could take my time and rest whenever I needed to. If I was running late then I just wouldn't go to class because I didn't want to show up winded and sweaty.

That's me in the blue! Pushing 190 lbs... Size 14
At this time I also started donating plasma (starving college student desperate for $$$). After a few times they started to deny me. My heart rate was too high. I had felt my heart pounding in my chest but never considered it. Well, I went to the doctor, had EKG's and heart monitors (all at the ripe old age of 20) and discovered that I had Tachycardia or rapid heart rate. That was the nail in the coffin of my health life. I completely gave up on any physical activity.

Flash forward 5 years and I'm marrying the love of my life! My chunky arms barely fit in my dress but I knew he loved me! We went for a short "hike" down a flat road and I ended up getting a stress fracture in my foot! Seriously guys... the "hike" was a walk and there is no reason for me to have broken my foot!

I wouldn't be where I am without this man!
200lbs... size 16
After two years of feeling like absolute crap and hating myself, how I looked, how I felt, and just everything about my life... A friend reached out and invited me to a free 2 week workout accountability group. I decided to give it a try! I worked out for two weeks straight, every single day, and didn't give up. For the first time in my life I didn't give up! She then invited me to do the 21 Day Fix and Shakeology! I decided I was ALL IN! My hubby got on board and helped me stick with it and after 21 Days I was down 15 lbs and over 10 inches! I kept going for 5 rounds and lost 30-40 lbs all together and was fitting into the same size of jeans that I wore in High School! After 6 months I was down 60 lbs and fit into the same size of jeans I was wearing when I STARTED High School!

Before.. Ashley's wedding- 320 lbs size 17 and growing! After- Meeting Autumn Calbrese creator of 21 Day Fix! I owe this woman!
The day I cried in the fitting room because the woman had to bring me a smaller size!
February 175 lbs size 12!
I felt better in ways that I never knew were possible! I had energy, mental clarity, a desire to get up and do things.... I was loving my life again! In fact I felt like it was my life again. I reclaimed who I was always meant to be.
Down 60 lbs and nearly 40 inches! Up in confidence, self control and happiness!

Now, a year and two months later, I still eat healthy (almost every day). I workout every day. I drink at least 100 oz of water a day! I drink Shakeology every day! I am a completely different and more confident person! I have realized what it really means to be healthy and to love the skin you're in! I have proven to myself and my family that it is possible to reclaim your life if you are willing to work for it! I am considering going back to school to get a masters degree in nutrition, because this is my passion! This is my life work! This is my chance to TEACH people things that will truly transform every aspect of their life!

My favorite meal of the day! Dense nutrition, craving control, and deliciousness!
I love being a health and fitness coach and I thank my Heavenly Father every day for the opportunity that I have to share my journey with others!

Friday, January 6, 2017

Revolving Door

I have been having the hardest time deciding what I want to do with my life. Yes, I am a teacher. Yes, I am a Beachbody coach. I am not feeling super successful as a coach. But, I am feeling even less successful as a teacher!

I recently changed to teaching 5th grade... hoping that it would bring a bit more joy into teaching. That has not happened! In fact, I struggle daily to get myself into work. Why you ask?

As a teacher I feel that everything is my fault. A child is failing? I didn't help them enough (never mind that they haven't turned in a single assignment). Kids are fighting on the playground? I obviously am not watching closely enough. Students are rude and disrespectful? I haven't been doing my job and teaching the proper behavior.

It is incredibly frustrating! I LOVE TEACHING! I love the art of presenting information to students. I love when the light bulb comes one and they "get it"! I love teasing kids and listening to their stories. I love being taught by them! I love feeling like I have a purpose. BUT,  that purpose has been clouded and is almost impossible to find now. I dread going to work and I hate thinking about it. I have nightmares about teaching and am stressed beyond reason.

So what do I do? Quit my dream job? The only thing I have ever wanted to do? Or stay and hate every day? I am at a loss! Some days I say I am done and will never go back... actually most days I do that. But I will also be leaving behind my passion! And it truly is a passion!

Well, I finally came to a decision. I am going to work my Beachbody business. I am going to grow that business and love every minute. Because I get to teach! I get to help people! I get to see them grow and learn to love something new! I get to hear their stories and talk to them.

With Beachbody, I am not giving up my dream job. I'm doing my dream job on my own terms! Does this mean I am quitting my classroom? Not, today. I can't afford to do that yet. But It is on the horizon! I will be able to walk out of the classroom one day and never HAVE to look back. I may end up back in the classroom at some point but it will be because that's what I want more than anything else. And I don't see that happening until something about public education changes!