Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Back at school once again!

Well this weekend I had a very spur of the moment trip home! I volunteered my car to Ross and Tyson, so they could save $. ( They were going to take ol' blue). And I was told they wanted to take my car at 9 p.m. on Thursday night! They wanted me there by 6 on Friday! I would just like to point out that I prefer to have plans (especially travel plans) for weeks before the trip actually happens! So I was a little stressed but it was worth it! Those boys are a riot and we had fun! It was nice to be home again and hang out with mom and dad... and Katie! I really didn't do much besides sit at home and go to Justin's homecoming. It was awesome and I was way excited to see Justin and Tell! I really missed those boys more than I thought I would! It was great to see them all together again! And now I'm back home (well in Rexburg). And it is raining! Fantastic! That means that spring isn't too far off! I also got to donate plasma yesterday for the first time in about 3 months! My pulse is finally starting to go back down and that's a wonderful blessing! I love it here and the spirit and closeness that I've gained with my savior! I wouldn't have had this much fun or these experiences anywhere else! The church is true! And I'm so glad it is!

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