Sunday, April 3, 2011

General Conference Girl Drama

So on Saturday I was perfectly content sleeping in my bed, loving my Nyquil induced coma. For starters everyone should know that when I take Nyquil it knocks me out for hours and nothing wakes me up. Alright back to the story, I was sleeping and suddenly I hear yelling from downstairs. I woke up thinking that maybe the television was up really loud again (this roommate always has it up way loud). But then I hear Jaime's voice yelling too! I hear Jaime say "I'm just going to the room to watch conference!" and then the other roommate yells "Don't bother I'm leaving!" So she stomped upstairs and started packing and then the yelling started again! Basically the other roommate was yelling at Jaime about how all young adults are selfish and don't care about anyone else. Then yelled about how she's going through hell and she is so mad at us for not caring and how we didn't even try to get to know her and all kinds of crap! It was ridiculous and I was sitting in my room trying not to laugh. Because it was so bogus! The yelling just kept going and going and the other roommate finally packed up all of her stuff and moved out! Which isn't too horrible since we were all stressed and having problems and for some reason she just seems to bring it out. But after that it was great! We all bonded and watched conference at 406. Then we went to a bonfire with Jaime's friends from Alaska (we decided it would be funny to torture Scott by having me go). It was hilarious! It was basically a great weekend! I've gotten my pointless homework done that is going to get me no where in life. And I'm getting ready to get everything packed and cleaned and get the hell out of here! So keep your fingers crossed that this all goes well and I survive finals week!

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