Thursday, September 22, 2011

Becoming Bold

Do you ever wonder what it would take to change? I've been wondering this a lot lately. In my last post I talked about being myself. That's not so difficult. It requires a lot less effort to be my dorky self than it does to try and be cool all of the time. But no, this time I'm talking about an actual change. Changing a part of my personality that I'm not so thrilled with. What character trait could this be you ask? I tend to be timid. Now some of you just laughed out loud. Of course if you're one of my good friends, you don't see my timid side. (Or if you met me at school, since it's easier to change when no one knows you). But here at home, being bold with the people I've grown up with is kind of a problem.

When I was in elementary school I was far more bold. Even in Junior High it was fairly easy for me to stand out. But over the past few years I've been far more content to fade into the background. I'm not really willing to reach out and grab the things that I want. I'm self conscious and nervous about how I appear to others. This is what I want to change. I want to be comfortable with myself and more adventurous. I want to be willing to take a risk in order to get the things that I want. So this is what I'm going to work on right now. I'm changing myself and not allowing myself to be a recluse. I will never get anywhere that way! So everyone wish me luck and you can stop snickering at me. I have recently learned that people see me as a confident person that is not really shy or afraid of reaching out for what I want... well that is completely false. So no laughing at my expense. I just let you all in on a little secret about me so be so grateful!


  1. hey! i love you! i think you are great and i know exactly what you mean because thats sometimes how i feel. mostly when im in big crowds or around people i dont know well. but its kinda like that saying dress for the job you want not the one you have... you feel me?! ;) miss you!

  2. Go Claire!! I think that I could use this change in my life too...probably even more than you do :) You can do it! I believe in you.

  3. Go Claire! I love your guts. I have been dealing with the same problem this summer, and I have been working hard to not be a wallflower, but more of a social dragonfly (not a butterfly fan). You are awesome! You can do it!
