Thursday, March 31, 2011

The sun will come out... next Thursday???

Soooo wow my brain is so fried that I can't even think about what to type! So this past week, month, alright let's go with semester... anyway, this past semester has been obnoxious! It is absolutely time for me to be done with this semester! I have never been so stressed/ tired/ annoyed with my life! I can't handle the way my life is going right now! But as it turns out I only have one week left!!! So I thank the Lord daily for that blessing! And today I took the Idaho State Literacy test, just one of many that I have to pass before I can get my degree. And I feel absolutely confident about it! So I'm excited for that!

Last week I got to go down to Salt Lake to see Ross! He came up to see his girl friend Caitlyn, and I saw the perfect oportunity to escape! It was so much fun! We went to the festival of Colors and it was absolutely freezing! And for some reason people felt like they needed to throw the chalk directly in my face! They also thought Caitlyn's hair was a wonderful target for the chalk so that was entertaining. But we did so well at avoiding the hideous yellow chalk until Caitlyn's freind came and attacked her with the yellow chalk! Then Caitlyn, being the sweetheart that she is, attacked me back! How unfair is that?!? But it was great and I adore her! So that's fun! I also got to spend a lot of time with my friends from home and Tia! So it was great and I loved my vacation! And now we are getting ready to go watch Tangled at the dollar theatre! So I better head out! But first I'll post some pictures of the festival!

Friday, March 18, 2011

You find out who your friends are...

So this past week has been.... Stressful?, Amazing?, Emotional?, Exhausting?, Awkward?, and possibly a little Overwhelming? Why all of the question marks? Because I am still confused by all of the madness that has gone on in such a short period of time. The good news is I have survived another week at BYU-I. The even better news is I only have to survive 3 more weeks. But the overall greatest news is that I have been the luckiest person alive. Most people have one home, one apartment, one set of roommates, well I have two. Sure Hillcrest 23 is where I sleep (sometimes) and where I eat (occasionally) But 406 is my home. When I get stressed or tired or happy or anything, that's where I go. Those girls welcome me with open arms and are absolutely the greatest friends anyone could ask for. We have tons of fun together and they can always manage to make any day a wonderful one! So this is my shout out to 406, where my best college memories have been made.
So speaking of great college memories, last weekend Jue and I decided we needed a fat night. But where to have it? I was fed up with my apartment and Jue didn't want to be in hers either. So of course we decide to head over to 406. So after a quick trip to the grocery store to pick up the essentials (cookie dough, ice cream, cool whip, fake mustaches) we make our way to that paradise known as 406. But alas we ran into a serious problem... the door was locked! How are we supposed to get into our beloved oasis if they lock the door on us?!? But no need to worry, Jue and I, Being the resourceful people that we are, broke in! First we tried the front windows but they were both locked. So we head around back. We break into a window and as Jue starts climbing in I hear a whispered exclamation "wrong apartment! Wrong apartment!" She quickly backed out and we got the window closed. After we managed to compose ourselves, we broke into Cami's window (this time in the correct apartment). I tell Jue to unlock the door and let me in up front. I heard a loud thunk but ignored it and ran to the front door. It turns out Jue had fallen off of Cami's bed and onto the floor which was absolutely hilarious. So we pre-heat the oven and get the single giant heart shaped cookie baking and decide that we need to scare Wholia! So we turn off the lights and hide in the bathroom (wearing our awesome fake mustaches). Pretty soon we hear Wholia enter the house... she was on the phone with her mom and she turns off the oven (poor cookie) and talks to her mom! She wasn't even headed our direction! Well after ten minutes of waiting for her to decide to come to the back of the apartment we decided to help her out... we hid in the shower and flushed the toilet (Brooke and Lindsey were both out of town and Cami was on a date so Wholia knew that no one should be home). We waited in silence as she walked back and flipped on the light. She just stood outside the door, not close enough for our sneak attack. Finally I couldn't contain my giggles so Jue jumped out and scared her. It was Hilarious!!!! I thought she might kill us but no worries I'm alive to tell the tale. It was fantastic, what followed was a night of criminal minds and photo shoots with Lewey (the Jewish fish). So that is just one of my fantastic tales from that fantastic mystical land known to the lucky refugee as 406.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Top Ten

So I saw this top ten thing on a friends blog, and as it turns out I’m bored so I figured I’d fill it out and give a little more information about me! So here are my top ten's!

Top 10 Favorite Foods
1. Tacos from Booga’s
2. Rellenos from Booga’s
3. Hamburgers from anywhere
4. French Fries
5. Camille Webb’s Rice Crispies!!!!
6. Papa’s Red Chili
7. Dad’s Green Chili
8. Burritos from Short Stop
9. Chubby Chicken Sandwich from Buzz’s (I’m going to miss them like crazy!)
10. Cheeze It’s!!!

Favorite Movies
1. Lord of the Rings Trilogy
2. A Knight’s Tale
3. Pirates of the Caribbean movies
4. Everything You Want
5. Peter Pan
6. Remember the Titans
7. Sword in the Stone
8. Tangled
9. Leap Year
10. Inception
(These top ten are not at all binding and will probably change within the hour. But right now I would willingly watch any of them and they are pretty good fall back movies.)

Top 10 Favorite Places
1. Eagar, Arizona
2. The 409 Road
3. Moab, Utah
4. Saffle Canyon 4-Wheeler trail (as long as Tia is not in control of a 4-wheeler)
5. The Movie Theatre
6. Booga’s
7. Anywhere with my family
8. The Beach
9. Roosevelt
10. Grandma’s House

Top 10 Favorite Things to do: (in no particular order)
1. Read
2. Camp
3. Watch Movies
4. Ride 4-wheelers
5. Fishing (or just being on the lake)
6. Watching the Elks play football
7. Eating
8. Listening to Music
9. Ramsey Family Game Night or Bonko with the Eagar’s
10. Anything with my friends

Top 10 Qualities I think I possess:
1. Loyalty
2. Friendliness
3. Respect
4. Patriotism
5. Pride (in family, country, town, state, etc.)
6. Strength (Spiritual)
7. Happiness
8. Love
9. Care for others
10. Determination

Top 10 Negative Qualities
1. I complain a lot
2. I’m easily frustrated
3. I get annoyed with adults who are childish all the time, Children can act that way but others need to just grow up! There is a time and place for that.
4. I try way too hard
5. I swear
6. I tend to sleep a lot
7. I’m incredibly stubborn
8. I’m a big procrastinator
9. I don’t like to “put myself out there”
10. I don’t work out like ever… (Not that I mind all that much)

Top 10 Favorite Bands/ Artists
1. George Strait
2. Boys Like Girls
3. Josh Turner
4. Taylor Swift
5. *Nsync (yes I still listen to them, don’t judge)
6. Avril Lavigne
7. Chris Cagle
8. Easton Corbin
9. Brooks and Dunn
10. Carrie Underwood
(This is just like the movie column; it can change any second, with the exceptions of George and Josh)

Top 10 Places to get clothing
1. JcPenny
2. Charlotte Rousse (I love their Refuge Jeans)
3. Aeropostale (Best sweatshirts for the price)
4. Shilee
5. Kohl’s
6. Ross
7. Wet Seal (Just got the cutest jeans from there)
8. Hand me downs
9. Connexion 23 in Rexburg
10. Target

Top 10 Qualities I look for in a Guy:
1. Eyes! You’ve got to have amazing eyes. But very seldom do I look at someone and say “wow they have the worst eyes ever!”
2. Laugh- If you have an icky laugh I just can’t handle it
3. Personality- Now I’m not sure what personality I like best, so basically just have one and we’ll see how it works
4. Work Ethic- You’ve got to be able to work and to love working outside with your hands.
5. Outdoors- Don’t love camping, fishing and enjoying the great outdoors? Well turn around and walk away
6. Stubborn- I am the most stubborn person in the world, and I don’t want someone who can’t stand up to me. I love being right but I love someone willing to stand up for themselves too.
7. Spiritual- The first person in any relationship should be the Lord. If you can’t bring something to the table spiritually then don’t waste my time.
8. Family- Family is the most important thing in my life. Anyone not willing to accept that and love my family as is has no place with me. You also have to be able to handle a big family.
9. Strength- I’m a girl, I have breakdowns, I have problems and I need someone willing to be there for me and not walk away. I hate the macho “manly- men” who don’t deal with crying or temper tantrums. I need someone who’s strong enough to be sweet and gentle.
10. Joy- I want someone who’s happy! Don’t get me wrong we’re all moody and there’s nothing wrong with being mad or sad or anything else. But I want someone who is happy with life and happy with me.

Top 10 Fears
1. Spiders
2. The Dark
3. Drowning
4. Losing family and friends
5. Waking up and realizing I’ve done nothing with my life
6. Heights- it’s a love hate relationship
7. Earwigs- they’re just creepy
8. Dementors- Yes they are fictional but don’t judge until you’ve had a dream that dementors that look like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny DeVito are chasing you…
9. Being Depressed-
10. Randomly falling and seriously injuring myself

Top 10 Important things: (random or whatever)
1. Family- I wouldn’t be here without them
2. Friends- Let’s face it, they make the world go round
3. Smile-
4. Service
5. Food
6. Sunshine
7. Love
8. Home
9. Knowledge
10. Sleep

Let’s face it, I’m a home body. That’s because everyone important to me is right around home so what more do I need? I have a fantastic life and I wouldn’t trade it for anything! I’m hard to deal with but anyone who can put up with me is obviously worth keeping around. I am learning to love trying new things and I’m growing and changing. That’s the best thing about the single college life; you get to learn exactly who you are and where you stand! Overall I’d say you can’t sum me up by having me list ten things, but it sure is fun to try!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Just another manic... Tuesday?

Wow! Life changes so quickly and there are so many ups and downs. Luckily I have the gospel in my life. Without it I would be totally lost. Recently I dated a guy who was my roommate's ex-boyfriend. He was a great guy and super good to me. But what it came down to was we had only known eachother for a couple weeks and he was talking like we were engaged (I actually had a few people think we were engaged), we are heading seperate ways in life, he wasn't active in the church, and he reminded me of someone else. That was a huge part of it, it wasn't fair to him for me to come home after spending all day with him and think about someone else. He always brought that other guy to mind and as hard as that would've been on him, I think it was worse on me. I've been working hard to grow up and move on and he was making it almost impossible! So he is gone and I am not sad. I'm actually relieved and I don't even feel bad about breaking up with him. Nonnie says that's a sign that it wasn't right. I'd have to agree with her on that one! Oh and another primary reason for the break-up, I prayed about it and the Lord said no... what more of a reason do I need right? But you all know how I am. I feel so bad that I don't feel bad and I'm giving myself this ridiculous guilt trip. No worries I really am fine!

So on to a new topic! School is kicking my butt! I honestly don't know what to do with myself. Don't get me wrong, I have 13 credits and I don't have a ton of homework. Instead the problem happens to be the professors. So in college you hear "Don't take this professor!" Well I happen to be taking every one of my classes from those professors that you are warned about. Do you have any idea how hard it is to go to class when the teacher has no idea what their talking about? Or when they or crazy! It's a serious struggle for me! My grades are fine, and my social life is great. But seriously? Every bad teacher in one semester? TORTURE! But the good news is that I have a job! I work custodial in the Manwaring Center from 9 a.m. to Noon. Generally I'd think it's horrible, but I have so much fun! I work with some of the greatest people in the world! Zina is the other girl I work with, her and I hit it off from the first day! I love that girl and we have so much fun. Then there are the boys, Jason and Bryce... now don't get any bright ideas, Jason is happily married and Bryce is getting married in April. But the greatest thing about these boys? They are just like Ross and his friends! They treat Zina and I like little sisters and are hilarious! I absolutely love them!

And finally, why was today a manic tuesday? Well as it turns out, I've been drinking a ton ton ton of water, and peeing just as much, plus I'm exhausted 99.9% of the time, and I crave sweets like you wouldn't believe, but even with all of these sweets I'm still losing enough weight for my roommates to take notice. For those of you who don't know, these are all symptoms of Diabetes. So my roommates are freaking out because they're positive I have diabetes. I'm not freaking out or anything but I'm thinking they may be right. So I'm going to get tested eventually but no worries! I'm alive and well. It's just that all of these symptoms make it hard to go to class. So I ditched my class today and I have no motivation to get things done for classes tomorrow! Oh the life of a college student is thrilling! But life is fantastic! I have been so happy these past few weeks! Yeah I'm not happy 100% of the time but overall I'm happy. The worst thing? Home sickness! This winter has been torture here. I miss the sunshine and everything that home has to offer. So I talk about home a lot and day dream about it! So RV look out! I'll be home in April and then you'll all get to deal with me!