Friday, March 18, 2011

You find out who your friends are...

So this past week has been.... Stressful?, Amazing?, Emotional?, Exhausting?, Awkward?, and possibly a little Overwhelming? Why all of the question marks? Because I am still confused by all of the madness that has gone on in such a short period of time. The good news is I have survived another week at BYU-I. The even better news is I only have to survive 3 more weeks. But the overall greatest news is that I have been the luckiest person alive. Most people have one home, one apartment, one set of roommates, well I have two. Sure Hillcrest 23 is where I sleep (sometimes) and where I eat (occasionally) But 406 is my home. When I get stressed or tired or happy or anything, that's where I go. Those girls welcome me with open arms and are absolutely the greatest friends anyone could ask for. We have tons of fun together and they can always manage to make any day a wonderful one! So this is my shout out to 406, where my best college memories have been made.
So speaking of great college memories, last weekend Jue and I decided we needed a fat night. But where to have it? I was fed up with my apartment and Jue didn't want to be in hers either. So of course we decide to head over to 406. So after a quick trip to the grocery store to pick up the essentials (cookie dough, ice cream, cool whip, fake mustaches) we make our way to that paradise known as 406. But alas we ran into a serious problem... the door was locked! How are we supposed to get into our beloved oasis if they lock the door on us?!? But no need to worry, Jue and I, Being the resourceful people that we are, broke in! First we tried the front windows but they were both locked. So we head around back. We break into a window and as Jue starts climbing in I hear a whispered exclamation "wrong apartment! Wrong apartment!" She quickly backed out and we got the window closed. After we managed to compose ourselves, we broke into Cami's window (this time in the correct apartment). I tell Jue to unlock the door and let me in up front. I heard a loud thunk but ignored it and ran to the front door. It turns out Jue had fallen off of Cami's bed and onto the floor which was absolutely hilarious. So we pre-heat the oven and get the single giant heart shaped cookie baking and decide that we need to scare Wholia! So we turn off the lights and hide in the bathroom (wearing our awesome fake mustaches). Pretty soon we hear Wholia enter the house... she was on the phone with her mom and she turns off the oven (poor cookie) and talks to her mom! She wasn't even headed our direction! Well after ten minutes of waiting for her to decide to come to the back of the apartment we decided to help her out... we hid in the shower and flushed the toilet (Brooke and Lindsey were both out of town and Cami was on a date so Wholia knew that no one should be home). We waited in silence as she walked back and flipped on the light. She just stood outside the door, not close enough for our sneak attack. Finally I couldn't contain my giggles so Jue jumped out and scared her. It was Hilarious!!!! I thought she might kill us but no worries I'm alive to tell the tale. It was fantastic, what followed was a night of criminal minds and photo shoots with Lewey (the Jewish fish). So that is just one of my fantastic tales from that fantastic mystical land known to the lucky refugee as 406.

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